Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Lord's Unexpected Blessings

Sometimes the Lord's blessings come in an encouraging verse, sometimes they are simple actions that leave a great impact and sometimes they are blessings in disguise.  Our blessing happens to be one that comes in a little bundle of joy!  Raynor and I just found out a few weeks ago that we are expecting our first little one!  We are so happy and excited and we have been anxiously awaiting our first doctor appointment to see Baby Campbell on a sonogram.  If anyone would have asked us a few months ago when we would have kids, we both would have said "not for a few more years."  But, oftentimes the Lord's plans are very different (and far better) than our own!  The bible says that children are the greatest blessings from God and we are overjoyed to receive this gift! We are excited about our doctor appointment next Thursday because we will find out the due date and we are most excited about being able to see our little guy or gal for the first time! So far, pregnancy has been pretty easy with the exception of a few nausea/dizzy spells.  We are so excited to share this experience and we will keep everyone updated!

John 1:16
"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another."
The baby got Raynor a present!


  1. Congratulations Sarah! I just found out I am too :) I was supposed to have my sonogram yesterday but we got iced out so we're going in next week. So excited for you guys!!

  2. Congrats Sarah, I wish u three the best! Its the most wonderful event in your life. Babies are a true miracle and so much joy, cant wait to see pics.
